Johanna Gurland Associates

Fundraising Consultants


BOARD OF TRUSTEES:  Recruitment, management, training, and development.

-Vermont Association for Arts Education, Overview of Fundraising and the Role of Boards

-Watertown (Massachusetts) Children’s Theatre, Asking for Money:  From Fear to Fun

-Massachusetts Watershed Association, Budgets as Fundraising Tools

EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS:  Coaching and training on fundraising

-State Museums of Belgium, Raising US Funds for the Arts

-Social Innovation Forum,  Engaging Individual Donors

-Museum Association of the Netherlands, Raising Funds from the United States

DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONALS:  Trainings and presentations to staff, volunteers and students

-Tufts University College of Citizenship And Public Service, Graduate-level Fundraising Courses

-National Society for Fundraising Executives, Using 990s to Chart Your Course

-Associated Grantmakers of Massachusetts, Planning & Research:  Where Is Your Donor?


Johanna Gurland Associates   +1 617 519 0386