Johanna Gurland Associates

Fundraising Consultants


(Partial Listing)

Action Planning: Raising Funds in the US for UK Causes, London, England

Associated Grantmakers of Massachusetts: Planning & Research:  Where Is Your Donor? Courses for Development Directors, Boston, Massachusetts

Chinati Foundation: Fundraising 101, Marfa, Texas

Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate: Introduction to Individual Fundraising, Boston, Massachusetts

King Baudouin Foundation: Raising Funds from the United States. Brussels, Belgium

Museum Institute for Teaching Science: Building Bridges: Grant Seeking, Science Museum Staff, Worcester, Massachusetts

Partners for Children and Families, Inc.: Acquiring Donors, Salem, Massachusetts

Pioneer Institute: Massachusetts Charter School Development Initiative: Proposal Development & Program Budgeting for Development Directors, Boston, Massachusetts

Social Innovations Forum: Engaging Individual Donors, Seminar for CEOs, Boston, Massachusetts

Timothy Smith Network: Fundraising Overview, Roxbury, Massachusetts

Tufts University College of Citizenship And Public Service: Working Well With Donors: Institute for CEOs, Philanthropy and Fundraising: Graduate-level Course, Somerville, Massachusetts

Watertown Children’s Theatre: Asking for Money:  From Fear to Fun, Board Workshop, Watertown, Massachusetts


Johanna Gurland Associates   +1 617 519 0386