Johanna Gurland Associates

Fundraising Consultants


CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS:  Feasibility Studies, Campaign Planning and Design, Coaching and Training of Board Members, CEOs, Staff and Volunteers

-$17,000,000 campaign to restore an historic church in Boston (Parish of All Saints, Ashmont, 2012-2013)

-$5.3 million campaign to fund a permanent installation by Robert Irwin, one of America’s most influential artists, for a contemporary art museum in West Texas. (The Chinati Foundation, 2014-16)

-$2,000,000 campaign for historic property (National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2004-2008)

-$3,250,000 campaign for conserving and preserving a Shaker village (Trust for Public Land, 2005-2007)

-$4,000,000 campaign for single disease organization (ALS Therapy Development Foundation, 2001-2003)

SPECIAL PROJECTS:  Project Design and Fundraising for Seed Capital

-$2,000,000 for the California Sustainable Communities Leadership Program. (Environmental Careers Organization, 1999-2000)

-$2,100,000 for the Institute for Urban Education (Emmanuel College, 2001)

-$50,000 for the Entrepreneurial CEO program (Tufts University, University College of Citizenship and Public Service, 2004)

MAJOR GIFTS: Research, Cultivation, Personal solicitation of five and six figure gifts, and Coaching of CEOs and Volunteers

-$3 million for endowment of Executive Director position (ALS Therapy Development Foundation, 2002)

-$2 million for capital support (The National Trust for Scotland Foundation, 2008)

-$1 million for support of science lab (ALS Therapy Development Foundation, 2003)